Election Judges
- Be a registered voter
- Be able to speak, read, and write English
- Not appear on the current ballot or have a close relative appear on the current ballot
- Not hold elective office at the time of service as a poll worker
If you are interested in applying fill out an application- https://s1.sos.mo.gov/pollworker/signup, and we will contact you.
Classes for all current and new election judges are held as necessary. When a date for a class is chosen all new Election Judge applications are collected and processed, voter registration and information provided is verified and our staff begins to call and schedule Election Judges and new applicants for training. Training usually occurs approximately 3-5 weeks prior to an election. Once an applicant has been to class or taken the online training they can expect to be called or emailed regarding working at a poll during a future election. For more information regarding training or Election Day work call Cassidy McNary (816) 407-9516 or Christi Wickman (816) 415-4974.
Approximately 15 to 30 days prior to an election our staff begins to call, email and/or send letters to prospective Election Judges to offer them a position. Pick Up judges come to the Election Board office the day before the election to pick up all materials needed for election day. The Pick Up Judge and the Return Judge then return all supplies at the end of election night to the office. One Supervisory Judge at each precinct shall be a member of each major political party in Missouri. All other judges show up at the poll election morning at 5:00 am and go home after the polls close and all paperwork is completed and signed.
Pick Up Judge - $275
Return Judge - $260
Regular Judge - $250
Deputy Judge - $260 plus mileage
Training Class- $25-50 depending on the type
**All pay is at a daily rate. Mileage is paid to Deputies and for Judges that drive the supplies from the polling location to the Election Board office at the close of polls on Election Day.
Wear comfortable clothing and dress in layers for optimum comfort to account for varying polling place temperatures. Leave your campaign buttons, political jewelry and political slogan T-shirts and hats at home. Discussion of politics is not permitted while working at the polls. Arrange for enough food and drinks for the entire day.